這兩天聽的原來是 "Sarah Brightman sings the music of Andrew L. Webber" 這張專輯。眾所皆知兩人因為音樂劇結為連理,儘管終究離婚收場,但不可否認的,Sarah 依舊是詮釋Webber 音樂劇的第一人選。
這張專輯中我特別鍾愛 track 2,"Another Suitcase in Another Hall",有人譯為《大廳裡的旅行箱》或《走廊的提箱》,是 Evita《艾薇塔》(註一)中的一曲。事實上 Evita 一劇中最膾炙人口的曲子應該是 Don't Cry for Me Argintina(阿根廷別為我哭泣),不過個人覺得 Another Suitcase in Another Hall 的輕快曲風,更能撫平煩躁,非常適合這樣炙熱的夏日。
這首曲子原本是描述被Perón 總統的身邊的一位棄妃離去時的心情,但是在1996年瑪丹娜擔綱的電影版 Evita 中改為由瑪丹娜來唱。我對於這部電影及電影原聲帶的一直有種無法從腦中抹去的深刻意義,打算另日再述。
聽聽兩個版本的 Anther Suitcase in Another Hall 吧!我覺得兩種唱腔都各有千秋,Sarah 為聲樂名伶,但清亮的音質卻也未必是長處。我私以為反倒是瑪丹娜那種未經雕琢的音色,較能凸顯一位16 歲鄉下女生的天真(話說瑪丹娜演這齣戲的時候已經快要40歲了呢...)。
《艾薇塔》描述阿根廷 Perón 總統的妻子Maria Eva Duarte,如何從涉世未深的鄉下女孩,力爭上游(或者應說攀附權貴)認識當時還是將軍的 Perón,直到成了阿根廷的第一夫人,此後幫助 Peron拓展外交困境,最後在全盛時期染病逝世。
Another Suitcase in Another Hall by Tim Rice
I don't expect my love affairs to last for long
Never fool myself that my dreams will come true
Being used to trouble I anticipate it
But all the same I hate it -- wouldn't you?
So what happens now?
(Another suitcase in another hall)
So what happens now?
(Take your picture off another wall)
Where am I going to?
(You'll get by, you always have before)
Where am I going to?
Time and time again I've said that I don't care
That I'm immune to gloom, that I'm hard through and through
But every time it matters all my words desert me
So anyone can hurt me -- and they do
So what happens now?
(Another suitcase in another hall)
So what happens now?
(Take your picture off another wall)
Where am I going to?
(You'll get by you always have before)
Where am I going to?
Call in three months time and I'll be fine I know
Well maybe not that fine, but I'll survive anyhow
I won't recall the names and places of this sad occasion
But that's no consolation -- here and now
So what happens now?
(Another suitcase in another hall)
So what happens now?
(Take your picture off another wall)
Where am I going to?
(You'll get by, you always have before)
Where am I going to?
(Don't ask anymore)